Just the other day I received a package in my PO Box: a DVD of Green Acres Season 1. If you haven't seen this show, I'm sure you've heard the theme song.
Now that you have the theme song stuck in your head....join me and falling in love with this couple! Not only are they hilarious but they remind me of my Farmer and me. Eddie Albert plays Oliver Wendell Douglas, a New York City lawyer who buys a farm in Hooterville. Why? Because he was born on a farm...but his mother argues he only lived on the farm for 2 months before they moved to New York. He insists it is in his blood. His wife Lisa Douglas, played by Eva Gabor, is less than thrilled about moving to the farm. She doesn't cook, she doesn't clean, she shops on 5th Avenue and is a city girl from head to toe. Once Oliver gets her to the farm she can't help but point out that Hooterville is NOT New York. In the end, she does promise to stay on the farm for 6 months.
My Farmer and I have a lot in common with this couple. For example:
Oliver begs Lisa not to leave him
Lisa asks Oliver to help out around the house but he can't commit until after harvest season.
Everything moves slow in the country
power in 8 months says the General store owner San Drucker
No phone line in the house <-- remember my lack of internet?
Lisa asks to move back to NYC on a daily basis....well I don't ask every day
Ok, well my farmer isn't a lawyer gone mad, he's a tried and true farm boy. And I don't shop 5th Avenue. But I have a feeling we'll be able to relate to this 60's TV show and it will help us understand each other along the way!
I am so tempted to have a photo op with my Farmer and me staged like the following:
Yay? Nay?
I'd get to wear my diamonds and high heels!
High Heels