August 30, 2013
How far along? 13 weeks?! really??
Your baby is the size of a Peapod (source) |
Total weight gain/loss: 1.5 lb gain
Maternity Clothes? ooo ya
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? Sleeping good. My muscles are so sore this week! I did take all three dogs out by myself the same day I had my first charley horse. OUCH! reminded me of high school basketball nights...lovely. I didn't work out while on vacation - but we did hike, walk and swim so I counted that as working out. However, This Just IN: My body is going to grow whether I work out or not. It's not like I'm on a diet and cI an keep from getting bigger. This is happening. It's going to add weight and if my muscles can't support the added weight I'll be miserable! Talk about motivation!
Best moment this week: my husband. We were in a rush to get back from the honeymoon for a family party and we could hardly unpack and get organized before the week started. He knew a messy house would drive me crazy throughout the week, so he picked up and cleaned as much as he could. He did a lot for the marriage this week. He's a good guy. And I'm just the baby maker. lol
Miss Anything? COFFEE
Movement: none
Food cravings: none but I'm HUNGRY
Anything making your queasy or sick? nope
Have you started to show yet? oh ya! Haven't gained much weight, but it has definitely redistributed itself to my tummy area.
Symptoms: Sciatic pain, charley horses, heavy hooters. Nails and hair do look great though! Thanks predntal vitamins!
Gender: unknown.
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time? neutral. My best friend was in a car accident when we were on our honeymoon! She got a burn from the airbag and it hurts to move her entire right side! So scary and so sad! She's so miserable sitting at home, I wish I was there with her. I like sitting! We'd have a blast It's easy to count your blessings at a time like that (YOU are one of my blessings Shae) but it's also easy to get to a sad place. The vacation was stressful towards the end so I did shed a fear tears due to hormones and stress. But I think I'm doing VERY good in not freaking out and not worrying about things.
Looking forward to: When I can stop saying "fine". We told the families we are expecting, I told my coworkers and now everyone is asking me "How are you?" "How do you feel?" It's hilarious because on Monday no one cared how I was. I told my coworkers on Wednesday so come Thursday everyone is stopping by my office asking how I am. Actually what is even more awkward is so happy people are for you to have sex. I mean that's what happened here right? So I just made an announcement to my boss and the people I work with, including deacons, priests and the BISHOP that I had sex. So weird. Trying to wrap my head around it. I know it's more about life and a new disciple of Christ. But it's still pretty funny. So I can't wait until someone stops by my office and asks how are you doing? and I can answer "Well, I'm having really bad Braxton Hicks contractions right now and I'm leaking a weird fluid out of my hoo-ha. Are you glad you asked?" *gasp! I would NEVER.

Labels: baby, pregnancy