Our Story

Featured on our wedding website as Our Story:

Our Story
Thanks for being nosy! The short version of our story is:
It was
It wasn't
It was
It really was
and now it is.

We met
I will never forget the first time I saw Jesus. I was in Lubbock with Gabby (bridesmaid) because she was having her bridal portraits taken. We went to St. Joseph's in Lubbock with her family. As we were leaving church there was this orange 2011 Dodge Challenger parked outside with a cowboy of a man leaning on it. Turns out he was a friend of Gabby's family and would be joining us for lunch. At lunch he didn't speak one word to me! Today he claims he was too shy to say anything.

I was standing outside St. Joseph's church saying "hi" to Veronica's sister Gabby when I met her friend Rachel. This was the first time I saw her and I could tell she liked my car. Then we ate at the Estrada's house, we DID talk at dinner. She found out I was a farmer and all the other good things about me.

We Danced
The first time Jesus and I actually spoke was 2 months later at Gabby's wedding. He asked me to dance and I said "yes" Or was it the other way around? Yep...I asked him to open my beer at Gabby's rehearsal dinner. He did. And then we danced at the wedding. Did I ask him to dance at the wedding too?
At the rehearsal we said "hi" and talked for a little bit. We agreed on a dance at the wedding.
Rachel was sitting at a table behind me at the wedding. I kept glancing back at her because we had agreed to a dance. I kept waiting for her to be free for me to ask her. But she was so busy with friends and dancing already, I almost ran out of time! I finally got my chance and we danced to 80's music. I really do not know how to dance, she laughed at me, but we kept dancing. She was ok with the fact that I didn't know how to dance.

We Traveled

Rachel: Obviously we were in a long distance relationship: San Antonio to Olton and Dallas to Olton. But it was our trip to Vegas that defined our future. We drove 12 hours in the car with each other and didn't drive each other crazy and we behaved ourselves in Sin City (no we did not get married there). That was a true test and I think we passed with flying colors.
In Thanksgiving we went to Cloudcroft, New Mexico with Jesus' brother and had a wonderful time together as well.

One month following the wedding, Rachel came to see me in Olton. I introduced her to my family. That was the first time she travelled to see me. The next time we traveled together to Vegas, where I had planned to propose but instead I figured I jumped the gun and decided to buy her a diamond ring as a promise ring.
The next time we travelled, we travelled with the family. We travelled to New Mexico with my brother, who is my best man. We had our first escape with family. We all really enjoyed the snow.

He proposed
The moment after Jesus proposed still give me a warm fuzzy feeling. However, the moments leading up to it drove me crazy!! On our long phone calls he kept saying he wanted to marry me and painted a beautiful picture of our future. I was ready to start immediately! But I refused to change anything until I had an engagement ring. When we went to Vegas he took me into a diamond store and asked me to pick out an engagement ring. I didn't see anything I liked at the store, so I learned I would need to customize my ring. Poor guy, didn't know what he was getting into educating me on diamonds. Once I realized exactly what I wanted in a ring, I share those wants with Jesus and waited...I waited for what seemed like forever! I knew what I wanted wasn't cheap so I was as patient as I could be. But when Valentines Day came around and I didn't have a ring yet I started with antsy.
When Jesus came to town for my sisters birthday I knew he was going to propose. He wanted me to get all dressed up for dinner, so I knew something had to be going on. But he wasn't acting weird like most girls say men act before they propose. So we posed by my fireplace for some pictures before dinner and he hands be a Victoria Secret bag. When I open it to find some clothes that were mixed up with Veronica's clothes on our New Mexico trip all my hope for a proposal tonight is lost. :( Then he hands me a glass swan vase with a red rose and I thank him because it is very nice and romantic. Then I see my dream diamond ring on a red ribbon with the swan and I look down to find him on one knee. **Here's where warm and fuzzy feelings begin** He asks to marry me, I say "Yes" and then I text, tweet, call friends, etc. Duh...priorities!!
I had been telling Rachel for over month that I didn't have a ring yet so I couldn't propose. I had been dragging it on for over a month which I could tell she didn't really like. My plan was to propose on Valentines Day, but it was too obvious and she's way too smart for that so I had to be sneaky. I waited until March, I went to see her on one of our planned visits. We had been taking about seeing a jeweler for rings and we even made an appointment to see him in the morning.
I made it to Dallas Friday evening. I waited for her to get off work and suggested we go out to eat.
She got semi-dressed up and probably thought I was going to propose at the restaurant. But I told her I had brought her a gift, it was in a Victoria Secret bag. In the bag was some clothes she left behind in Olton. I set the camera to take a picture of her opening this bag because I knew she thought it was the ring. When she saw the clothes she was sad and happy because she wanted those clothes back. Before this, I did practice recording the proposal on my camera. So she was disappointed. But I said "I got you something else" I had bought a swan with a rose on the back, I had taken the bow off the swan and put the ring on it. As soon as she noticed the swan I hit one knee and asked her to marry me. It was surprising she didn't see the ring yet, she was concentrating on the swan and the rose.
And that's how I proposed. Her big green eyes and her smile was more than enough to tell me that I had done a good job surprising her.

We Moved

Rachel: Well technically I moved. I moved from Dallas to Olton in a few short months. This move was something Jesus's sister, Juanita, asked if I would do to be sure I liked living in the country. I honestly didn't think it was necessary. I still don't think it was necessary. Besides being together in the planning process of our wedding and not having a stressful job, this move is more convenient than necessary. I already knew I loved the area, the small town and the weather. I knew I loved his family and the people of West Texas. So while I'm happy to be here, to me it isn't a 'test' period.

We realized that this wedding was going to have to be supplied by us. In order to save money we moved! She moved to Olton so that we could save money on driving and all that stuff. We made a really big step towards our future life together and I'm really happy she did.


high heels and grits: Our Story

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our Story

Featured on our wedding website as Our Story:

Our Story
Thanks for being nosy! The short version of our story is:
It was
It wasn't
It was
It really was
and now it is.

We met
I will never forget the first time I saw Jesus. I was in Lubbock with Gabby (bridesmaid) because she was having her bridal portraits taken. We went to St. Joseph's in Lubbock with her family. As we were leaving church there was this orange 2011 Dodge Challenger parked outside with a cowboy of a man leaning on it. Turns out he was a friend of Gabby's family and would be joining us for lunch. At lunch he didn't speak one word to me! Today he claims he was too shy to say anything.

I was standing outside St. Joseph's church saying "hi" to Veronica's sister Gabby when I met her friend Rachel. This was the first time I saw her and I could tell she liked my car. Then we ate at the Estrada's house, we DID talk at dinner. She found out I was a farmer and all the other good things about me.

We Danced
The first time Jesus and I actually spoke was 2 months later at Gabby's wedding. He asked me to dance and I said "yes" Or was it the other way around? Yep...I asked him to open my beer at Gabby's rehearsal dinner. He did. And then we danced at the wedding. Did I ask him to dance at the wedding too?
At the rehearsal we said "hi" and talked for a little bit. We agreed on a dance at the wedding.
Rachel was sitting at a table behind me at the wedding. I kept glancing back at her because we had agreed to a dance. I kept waiting for her to be free for me to ask her. But she was so busy with friends and dancing already, I almost ran out of time! I finally got my chance and we danced to 80's music. I really do not know how to dance, she laughed at me, but we kept dancing. She was ok with the fact that I didn't know how to dance.

We Traveled

Rachel: Obviously we were in a long distance relationship: San Antonio to Olton and Dallas to Olton. But it was our trip to Vegas that defined our future. We drove 12 hours in the car with each other and didn't drive each other crazy and we behaved ourselves in Sin City (no we did not get married there). That was a true test and I think we passed with flying colors.
In Thanksgiving we went to Cloudcroft, New Mexico with Jesus' brother and had a wonderful time together as well.

One month following the wedding, Rachel came to see me in Olton. I introduced her to my family. That was the first time she travelled to see me. The next time we traveled together to Vegas, where I had planned to propose but instead I figured I jumped the gun and decided to buy her a diamond ring as a promise ring.
The next time we travelled, we travelled with the family. We travelled to New Mexico with my brother, who is my best man. We had our first escape with family. We all really enjoyed the snow.

He proposed
The moment after Jesus proposed still give me a warm fuzzy feeling. However, the moments leading up to it drove me crazy!! On our long phone calls he kept saying he wanted to marry me and painted a beautiful picture of our future. I was ready to start immediately! But I refused to change anything until I had an engagement ring. When we went to Vegas he took me into a diamond store and asked me to pick out an engagement ring. I didn't see anything I liked at the store, so I learned I would need to customize my ring. Poor guy, didn't know what he was getting into educating me on diamonds. Once I realized exactly what I wanted in a ring, I share those wants with Jesus and waited...I waited for what seemed like forever! I knew what I wanted wasn't cheap so I was as patient as I could be. But when Valentines Day came around and I didn't have a ring yet I started with antsy.
When Jesus came to town for my sisters birthday I knew he was going to propose. He wanted me to get all dressed up for dinner, so I knew something had to be going on. But he wasn't acting weird like most girls say men act before they propose. So we posed by my fireplace for some pictures before dinner and he hands be a Victoria Secret bag. When I open it to find some clothes that were mixed up with Veronica's clothes on our New Mexico trip all my hope for a proposal tonight is lost. :( Then he hands me a glass swan vase with a red rose and I thank him because it is very nice and romantic. Then I see my dream diamond ring on a red ribbon with the swan and I look down to find him on one knee. **Here's where warm and fuzzy feelings begin** He asks to marry me, I say "Yes" and then I text, tweet, call friends, etc. Duh...priorities!!
I had been telling Rachel for over month that I didn't have a ring yet so I couldn't propose. I had been dragging it on for over a month which I could tell she didn't really like. My plan was to propose on Valentines Day, but it was too obvious and she's way too smart for that so I had to be sneaky. I waited until March, I went to see her on one of our planned visits. We had been taking about seeing a jeweler for rings and we even made an appointment to see him in the morning.
I made it to Dallas Friday evening. I waited for her to get off work and suggested we go out to eat.
She got semi-dressed up and probably thought I was going to propose at the restaurant. But I told her I had brought her a gift, it was in a Victoria Secret bag. In the bag was some clothes she left behind in Olton. I set the camera to take a picture of her opening this bag because I knew she thought it was the ring. When she saw the clothes she was sad and happy because she wanted those clothes back. Before this, I did practice recording the proposal on my camera. So she was disappointed. But I said "I got you something else" I had bought a swan with a rose on the back, I had taken the bow off the swan and put the ring on it. As soon as she noticed the swan I hit one knee and asked her to marry me. It was surprising she didn't see the ring yet, she was concentrating on the swan and the rose.
And that's how I proposed. Her big green eyes and her smile was more than enough to tell me that I had done a good job surprising her.

We Moved

Rachel: Well technically I moved. I moved from Dallas to Olton in a few short months. This move was something Jesus's sister, Juanita, asked if I would do to be sure I liked living in the country. I honestly didn't think it was necessary. I still don't think it was necessary. Besides being together in the planning process of our wedding and not having a stressful job, this move is more convenient than necessary. I already knew I loved the area, the small town and the weather. I knew I loved his family and the people of West Texas. So while I'm happy to be here, to me it isn't a 'test' period.

We realized that this wedding was going to have to be supplied by us. In order to save money we moved! She moved to Olton so that we could save money on driving and all that stuff. We made a really big step towards our future life together and I'm really happy she did.



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