The Power of Pinterest

Does Pinterest get you out of bed every morning?  I'm not asking if it motivates you to log in to Pinterest and sit at the computer all day.  I mean, does it inspire your creativity in the kitchen or the garage?  Does it push you to be a better person, to pray more or work out more?

It helps me in all of the above, and then some!  With one month until the wedding I ran to my Pinterest board 'My Other Strechy Pants' for some relaxation motivation. 

Here's what I've been doing every morning to stretch out the wedding nightmares and begin a day full of e-mails, RSVP counting and final check writing.

via Thoughts By Natalie via Mind Body Green

What are some of your morning routines?  What are you favorite yoga practices?

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high heels and grits: The Power of Pinterest

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Power of Pinterest

Does Pinterest get you out of bed every morning?  I'm not asking if it motivates you to log in to Pinterest and sit at the computer all day.  I mean, does it inspire your creativity in the kitchen or the garage?  Does it push you to be a better person, to pray more or work out more?

It helps me in all of the above, and then some!  With one month until the wedding I ran to my Pinterest board 'My Other Strechy Pants' for some relaxation motivation. 

Here's what I've been doing every morning to stretch out the wedding nightmares and begin a day full of e-mails, RSVP counting and final check writing.

What are some of your morning routines?  What are you favorite yoga practices?

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