17 weeks

September 27, 2013
How far along? 17 weeks

Your baby is the size of a turnip (source)
This looks a lot smaller than the avocado my baby was last week. Is my baby shrinking?!

Total weight gain/loss: Last week I was at a work conference in Dallas. We stayed in a hotel that was a quarter mile long and I walked more than I do in a regular week so I was hungry throughout the entire conference! I ate whatever I wanted and when I came home I had lost 2 lbs. I think I'm up an average of 1-2lbs now that I'm back at my desk.

Maternity Clothes?  yep! I love these stretchy pants. I just need some longer shirts to cover the elastic part. My friend Sarah suggested shopping at JCPenny for maternity clothes, I went online and they have some really cute stuff. Fall shopping spree! (it's already cold here)

Stretch marks?  nope

Sleep? I sleep through the night great. But when my alarm wakes me up I have a horrible pain and need to tinkle. I think my sleep cycle overrides my bladder and says "no, she's not getting up to go to the bathroom - have you had to deal with her on less than 8 hours of sleep?! I'm doing the world a favor by letting her sleep"

Best moment this week:  Seeing family and friends in Dallas. Well just one friend, and her fiancé.

Miss Anything?  being comfortable in my body. I DON'T miss the fatigue and dizziness, that's stopping which is nice. Still getting headaches though.

Movement:  none - some cramps but no "flutters"

Food cravings:  none.

Anything making your queasy or sick?  Nope! But I can't eat big meals. If I eat too much or as much as I used to in a regular sitting, I will bloat my tummy, have horrible cramps and gastro reflex. It's quite lovely. So little meals throughout the day is all I can handle. Then again, I probably shouldn't be eating an entire Chipotle Burrito in one sitting...

Have you started to show yet? yep. My Sisters in Law saw my tummy this Sunday when I was wearing a certain dress and they both squealed with excitement.

Symptoms: Random cramps when I stand for too long. Still have sciatic pain. I have a massage scheduled this week.

Gender:  unknown.

Labor signs:  none

Belly button in or out?  in

Wedding rings on or off?  off

Happy or Moody most of the time?  A little of both. Life just got really busy and it has nothing to do with the baby. It's work, volunteer positions, family, friends, marriage... so I'm driving myself crazy with everything I need to do. That makes for a moody mommy-to-be.

Looking forward to: Next week's doctors appointment for gender reveal (hopefully)

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high heels and grits: 17 weeks

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

17 weeks

September 27, 2013
How far along? 17 weeks

Your baby is the size of a turnip (source)
This looks a lot smaller than the avocado my baby was last week. Is my baby shrinking?!

Total weight gain/loss: Last week I was at a work conference in Dallas. We stayed in a hotel that was a quarter mile long and I walked more than I do in a regular week so I was hungry throughout the entire conference! I ate whatever I wanted and when I came home I had lost 2 lbs. I think I'm up an average of 1-2lbs now that I'm back at my desk.

Maternity Clothes?  yep! I love these stretchy pants. I just need some longer shirts to cover the elastic part. My friend Sarah suggested shopping at JCPenny for maternity clothes, I went online and they have some really cute stuff. Fall shopping spree! (it's already cold here)

Stretch marks?  nope

Sleep? I sleep through the night great. But when my alarm wakes me up I have a horrible pain and need to tinkle. I think my sleep cycle overrides my bladder and says "no, she's not getting up to go to the bathroom - have you had to deal with her on less than 8 hours of sleep?! I'm doing the world a favor by letting her sleep"

Best moment this week:  Seeing family and friends in Dallas. Well just one friend, and her fiancé.

Miss Anything?  being comfortable in my body. I DON'T miss the fatigue and dizziness, that's stopping which is nice. Still getting headaches though.

Movement:  none - some cramps but no "flutters"

Food cravings:  none.

Anything making your queasy or sick?  Nope! But I can't eat big meals. If I eat too much or as much as I used to in a regular sitting, I will bloat my tummy, have horrible cramps and gastro reflex. It's quite lovely. So little meals throughout the day is all I can handle. Then again, I probably shouldn't be eating an entire Chipotle Burrito in one sitting...

Have you started to show yet? yep. My Sisters in Law saw my tummy this Sunday when I was wearing a certain dress and they both squealed with excitement.

Symptoms: Random cramps when I stand for too long. Still have sciatic pain. I have a massage scheduled this week.

Gender:  unknown.

Labor signs:  none

Belly button in or out?  in

Wedding rings on or off?  off

Happy or Moody most of the time?  A little of both. Life just got really busy and it has nothing to do with the baby. It's work, volunteer positions, family, friends, marriage... so I'm driving myself crazy with everything I need to do. That makes for a moody mommy-to-be.

Looking forward to: Next week's doctors appointment for gender reveal (hopefully)

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