From our wedding website: Wedding Party
These girls are so near and dear to me. I've had them picked as my bridesmaids
the minute I decided I was actually going to marry someone someday. I always
said "I hope my fiance doesn't have any sisters, because 6 bridesmaids is
too many!" Well Jesus does have three AMAZING sisters that will be
included in other starring roles during our wedding ceremony. I just couldn't
say no to 'my girls'
Jesus: My family is
everything to me. I chose my brothers as my groomsmen because there is no
friend that could take the place of my family.
Maid of
and I have been friends since kindergarten!!! She is an amazing woman, full of
life and a friend to everyone she meets. My favorite memory with Shaena (there
are TOO many to choose from) but I just loved going over to her house when we
were kids. She had a dog (I didn't) RIP Lady!, she was an only child (I
wasn't), and she had a trundle bed!! So cool! But she would always sleep until
noon when I slept over, so my parents would come pick me up and she would still
be sleeping. Silly girl. Obviously that is the most innocent of our
memories...the rest are sworn to secrecy !
Currently Shaena is the Marketing Director for Kenny's Restaurant Group in
Dallas Texas. Find them at
Maid of
Theresa is my baby
sister. A lovely 16 year old young lady. We chose her as a maid of honor
because she and Jesus get along so well. Even though she never had a brother,
Theresa plays it so cool around Jesus I feel like a third wheel!
My favorite memory with Theresa is probably one day when my mom and I were
sitting out on the front porch watching a rain storm roll by. Theresa, who enjoys
being the center of attention in our family bursts through the front door, runs
out into the rain and starts singing "I'm singing in the rain, just
singing in the rain...." What else would she sing right? As you can tell
this chick lights up any room of the house she is in. I can't wait for her
performance at our wedding!
Theresa is a Sophomore at Richardson High School. She is enrolled in the
Theatre Magnet Program.
Carlos Martinez
Juan Carlos is my
youngest brother. He was married in the summer of 2011 in Lubbock to Veronica,
Gabby's sister. They live in Lubbock and are expecting their first child in
October. 'Carlos', as he's known, is enrolled in Texas Tech Health Science
Center Graduate program earning his graduate degree in speech pathology. He
works as the office manager for St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Lubbock TX with
Fr. Martin Pina.
and Jesus enjoy traveling together. They have been many places, but most
memorable: Mexico, California, San Antonio, Las Vegas, New Mexico and they plan
on traveling with their wives in the future!
Jessica is my 23 year old
sister. I couldn't imagine not having her stand by me on my wedding day. My
favorite memory with Jessica is when our family went to The Pines Catholic Camp
for a family weekend camping trip. It was just the four of us (Theresa wasn't
born yet). We were so excited to be camping with our parents and we got to
sleep on the top bunks while our parents were on the bottom bunks. As soon as we
got up on the bunk bed we start unpacking. The funny thing is we packed our
suitcases full of books!! We put then on display lining our beds and looked
like the biggest pair of book worms. I'm sure we did more than read books on
that trip, but it was pretty funny that we both packed tons of books to keep us
company. Reading is a great and healthy hobby I'm sure we'll continue
throughout our lives together!
is currently enrolled in culinairy school in Dallas and is working at Chipotle.

Maddie is a friend of
mine from St. Mary's University. We were in the same calculus class and rumor
has it she didn't like me at first, but I guess I warmed up to her. (I hope I
did!) Maddie is in every one of my college memories. If I was to pick a
favorite memory from college it would have her in it. She is so level headed
and independent, I am honored to call her a friend. I can lean on her for
anything and she knows everything about me.
from Albuquerque New Mexico, Maddie is currently earning her Nurse Practitioner
degree in Miami, FL.
Gabby is also a friend I
met at St. Mary's University. As you read in 'Our Story' it is because of Gabby
that Jesus and I met. Gabby is the kindest person I have ever met. My favorite
memory with Gabby, other than our college days, was probably her wedding day.
It was an amazing experience being with Gabby on such a special day in her
life. It was an honor to stand by her side as her bridesmaid. And who could
forget what happened AFTER the wedding. ayayay!
is a 2nd grade teacher at a Catholic elementary school in San Antonio. Her
husband is a middle school math teacher at the same school!

Ally and I have been
friends ever since she enrolled at St. Paul's. We were both in girl scouts
together, we were both in sports and we both went to Catholic Heart Work Camp
(service immersion trips) throughout high school together. Ally is my travel
buddy. We have been to so many different places together: Destin, FL; Mobile,
AL; Harlingen, TX; St. Louis, MO; Miami, FL; PK Lake....we have so much fun
together I hope we can continue to travel until we are old and grey!
currently works as a commercial realtor with Colliers and recently ran the
Boston Marathon!
Jose is
my older brother. He lives in Littlefield with his wife, Sandy and four
children: Mariah, Acasia, Sabian and Thadian. Jose works for Lamb County
electric cooperative and was recently promoted to a Director position.
Luis Martinez
Luis is my younger brother, but older than Carlos. He lives in Abernathy with
his wife, Krystal and four children: Jonathan, Vencia, Eva and Mya. Juan Luis
is in the maintence department at Covenant Hospital and volunteers with St.
Isidore Church in Abernathy where his father-in-law serves as deacon.