Blah, this blog is turning into a baby blog! Total GRITS move. I promise there is more to my life than this baby belly.
The Panhandle South Plains Fair in west Texas was this past week. No no, not the State Fair of Texas that lasts an entire month in Dallas. West Texas has it's own horse and pony show. Literally, there are horses and ponies.
My Director is on the Fair Board and gave me free tickets but I was out of town for work, so I passed those tickets along also - #PayItForward #HashtagsInBlogs? #IsThatAllowed? Ask Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake (video)
I was so bummed to miss the Panhandle fair! Performers included Tommy James and the Shondells, Lee Brice, AB Quintanilla and the Kumbia Allstars, Quiet Riot, Brandy and Adelitas Way. Just kidding, I wouldn't go for the concerts. I'd rather go for the Free Entertainment like the LumberJills: a group of log cutting ladies, Ron Diamond the Hypnotist or ...wait for it....Jimmy the Spoon Man! Holla!
What I really miss is my State Fair of Texas!!! Kids here don't even get a "fair day". They don't get a day off of school to go to the fair like North Texas kids do (or did - is that still a thing? I hope so!)
To satisfy my Fair Fever I am stalking the State Fair of Texas Instagram this year:
It's great to see the familiar photos....
@statefairoftx traditional photo taken by parent of kiddo with Big Tex in the background
Who is Big Tex you say? "If you have to ask, you're not from around here"
(I think that quote it from a Dallas Morning News article, but I can't find it online)
This photo features my college friend Nicholas...yes, I stole your picture Nicholas!
Is it just me or are Big Tex's boots up to his knees?
Corn Dogs are a staple at the fair and this pregnant lady is DYING for one
Fletchers is the best!
Why? Tradition.
Nicholas had the deep fried King Ranch Casserole
A casserole my husband has never had before - add it to the wife list: Make King Ranch Casserole!
Midway is where all the rides, games and carnies's bright, loud and addicting!
The closest thing Texas gets to Vegas.
and for all you Pinteresters who are obsessed with Nutella....
Try the deep friend nutella! My sweet tooth is aching just thinking of this!
No way I could eat it (and stop at just one bite!)
Even when I lived in San Antonio I never made it up to the fair, but my goodness I want to go this year!!
Can we say homesick??
Labels: grits, instagram, small town, TX, weekend, West Texas