October 9, 2013
How far along? 19 weeks
I think I'm 19 weeks. Sorry I skipped 18 weeks last week. Nothing exciting happened. My doctor did push back my due date so this can count as 18 weeks and 19 weeks!
Your baby is the size of a Bell Pepper (source) at 18 weeks |
Total weight gain/loss: My pregnancy app says I've gained 2lbs. However, my husband so kindly pointed out that if I lost 5lbs in the beginning then I have gained 7lbs not 2lbs. So Yes, I've gained back the 5 and am now at 7!! That's the recommended amount at this week but still...
Maternity Clothes? yep! A few of my pre-baby dresses still work great so that's nice. But maternity pants (and bras) all the way.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? Sleeping good!
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender of the baby!
Miss Anything? COFFEE. Hubby came into work with me on the day of the sonogram and he had a cup of our office coffee, which I haven't had in 4 months! It smelled AMAZING!!
Movement: none - I was lying in bed this weekend and thought I felt something....but I wasn't sure. My nurse told me she didn't feel movement until 24 weeks, and she's REALLY skinny! (I was beginning to think my fat was getting in the way) Even at the doctor with the sonogram going and seeing the kid punching and kicking, I couldn't feel anything. I think he's punching the placenta.
Food cravings: none. Hubs admitted he thought I'd be the kind of girl who would have crazy cravings. But I really don't want to gain too much weight so I'm thinking food is energy - not comfort. I still gained 7lbs with that mentality!
Anything making your queasy or sick? Nope. Keeping with the smaller meals and I feel great. Maybe that old wives tale that boys give you no morning sickness is true...
Have you started to show yet? yep! My boss said "I'm waiting for you to start showing!" and then BOOM I'm showing.
Symptoms: Still have sciatic pain. The massage last week was great but I need to focus my yoga on stretching my hips - that's my own diagnosis. Maybe I should research some prenatal yoga positions
Gender: BOY! And no I will not post a picture of my little boy's little boy part...there is a line that should not be crossed. However, my mommy group on facebook has been posting pictures of their ultrasounds. After over 30 photos of the same thing it's pretty obvious to see that part (or lack there of). At our doctor appointment the doctor asked if we wanted to know what the sex was, at that moment he found the rear end of the baby and I immediately saw "it". My smart-aleck response was "I already know!". That's what I get for looking at all those facebook posts. My husband on the other hand couldn't see it and kept questioning it. Now that I think about it, he may have been rubbing it in my face. (He guessed boy, I guessed girl)
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out? in but BARELY! It's slowly flattening out! If I press on my belly I can make it an outie!! SO weird!!!
Wedding rings on or off? on! As long as I don't wear the engagement ring and the wedding band together. One fits, two don't. So of course I'm wearing the engagement ring, it's so gorgeous!
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy but super sensitive! I cry over everything!
Things that have made me cry this week:
My little sisters "last first day of school" picture standing in my parents front yard with the big pecan tree in the background...a traditional photo that used to include all three girls! Now it's just her... :( p.s. this photo was taken 2 months ago...I'm just now seeing it. p.p.s. I'm crying as I'm writing about it!
A post of Facebook about a girl who's cat ran away and then came home a week later with a broken leg and cuts all over his body. She couldn't get a hold of the vet and couldn't stand seeing him in so much pain
A co-worker/friend who is now separated from her husband
But some weird things are making me laugh too - I posted this video on my facebook page and no one "liked" it. I thought it was HILARIOUS. My husband didn't laugh when I showed him, but I cracked up! No clue what's going on with these hormones.
Funny or not funny?? Come on! The cat looks right into the camera!! He's thinking "was that a balloon? I better wait a few seconds and then start to follow it...don't want him to think I'm just after the balloon"
Looking forward to: Nursery planning, name picking and a safe and healthy pregnancy from here on out!
High Heels!

Labels: baby, pregnancy