high heels and grits

high heels and grits: August 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


photo credit: Florian  via photo pin cc

We will soon have internet at the house!! And not from an antennae on a cotton gin as expected.  Instead, the Farmer has changed our phone plan to allow our phones to work as hotspots.  We get up to 4Gs per month.  The highest was 6Gs, but 4Gs keeps us at the same phone bill we previously had so we're sticking with that.  Is it Gs or GBs? 

Hopefully that will help my blogging become more of a habit.

Also, I ran across this blog by John Jantsch at Duct Tape Marketing sharing why he uses Photo Pin to add great photos to his blog such as my header photo (above).  Instead of searching Flickr on your own and running across photos you are unable to share on your blog (due to copyrights, etc), Photo Pin finds them for you!  You download the photo and copy the html code to add to your Wordpress blog.  Obviously with this not being a Wordpress blog I had to figure out the photo credit links on my own, but it wasn't difficult.

Read John's blog, use Photo Pin and enjoy much more to come from High Heels and Grits!

High Heels!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is wrong with me??

Wow!  I am just awful at this blogging thing. 

I think that's the problem: I'm calling it a 'thing' instead of a 'habit'.  What do they say?  It only takes 21 days to make a habit?  I think it's been 21 days since my last post! No, not really...but I promise I think about blogging every day.  It just doesn't happen.  Just like I think about running and I think about crafting and cleaning and- well you get the drift.

The big news around town is that people are cutting.  Cutting corn that is.  This means we'll start seeing a lot less of the farmers for dinner.  Actually the good wives bring dinner out to the farmers while they are on the tractors.  I can be a good wife-to-be right?  The meal has to be something portable.  A to-go meal they can eat with one hand and steer the tractor with the other.

My farmer is used to burritos his sister makes.  I don't make fresh tortillas so I won't be bringing burritos.  Plus we will be going on a honeymoon after the wedding, so we shouldn't over endulge in fresh tortillas at every meal.  Farmer will have to enjoy sandwiches and whatever else I can come up with as a to-go item.  Any suggestions???

I think I hear Pinterest calling...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pleasure in Pallets

Everyday I'm driving down my country road and I see pallets thrown on the side of the road.  I don't know if I should stop and pick them up or if I should introduce the land owners to a little known website called Pinterest.  You know you've seen TONS of pallet crafts on pinterest.

Today's post is inspired by a pin I saw today and couldn't click "like" fast enough!!

Great website that leads to inspiration such as...

Pallet Shelves

Pallet Wall Art

Pallet Magazine Rack!

Pallet Garden

Pallet Wall (Are you kidding me!?!)

My favorite, never seen this before: Hanging Chair made from Pallet wood!!
So whether you buy the pallet, ask for donated pallets from warehouses or "find" them on the side of the road I hope you have fun with pallets!!

High Heels!

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An overreaction to peaches

I have never been so miserable in my entire life!  The past 2 days have been a living H-E-double hockey sticks.
I was so excited when our neighbor called us to come over and grab some of their fresh peaches.  When we arrived they had 3 grocery bags full of peaches for us.  These peaches were super small compared to what you find at the grocery store.

Grocery store peach - largest from the tree - smallest from the tree

With three bags and not enough time or craving to eat all of them we decided to peel them and freeze them for later.  We added lemon juice and sugar to keep them tasty.  Of course I watched Green Acres while peeling!  It helped me feel like a country girl to the core (or to the pit?  because peaches have pits!)
Needless to say my hands were covered in peach juice and peach fuzz.  This made them very itchy and I began to break out with red spots on my hands.  The Farmer thought it might be a heat rash because of the 100 degree weather we've had lately.  I thought they were tick bits from the dog we bathed the day before.  Either way they were annoying and not going away, so I decided to visit the doctor. 

The doctor said it was probably the peaches and if I took a Benadryl and stayed away from peaches it would probably go away.  I took the Benadryl, but that made me incredibly tired!  So I didn't have time to make my lunch in the morning and as I'm walking out the door I grab a peach to eat for breakfast! 
I get to work and my ears are tingling and my chest is itchy.  I go to the restroom and see I have completely broken out in hives!! 
From head to toe!!

 I excuse myself from work and head home (a 1 hour drive home) to take a Benadryl and pass out.  The Benadryl did NOT help!!!  The hives were spreading from my face to my toes!  My feet were swelling, I couldn't form a fist with my hands and finally around 3am my tongue starts to swell.  Having no insurance the Farmer and I are contimplating visiting the Emergency Room or not.  Such a hard decision to make!  I couldn't image turning down an ER visit for a child, but we did for me.  We stuck it out until 8am when we could visit the local doctor and get the steriod shot she suggested at our last visit. 

We also changed the sheets and I scrubbed my teeth clean for fear of peach remains that may still be irritating my body.

Thankfully I woke up Thursday morning feeling great and with no rash to be seen.  Gotta love living in a first world country!

I have sworn off peaches for the next year.  I even hold my breath when walking by them in the grocery store.


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Friday, August 3, 2012

TGIF: Thank Goodness for Instagram (and Fridays)!!

Wow! People are doing such amazing things to end their summer!  Here's a look at all the fun!

Classic Summer Activity: Baseball!!

Summer = Lake, Pool and Beaches!! 




 Two friends in NYC!!



Crafting going on indoors (because it's so hot outdoors??)



LOTS of puppy photos!!





Ok, enough distractions!  Back to my working on my honeymoon body!
No reason why I shouldn't be this sweaty with our Texas heat this week!

Way to go Jenn!!

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Renovation dismotivation

I am addicted to the home renovation blogs. 
Seriously, in my google reader I have over 1000 unread home reno blogs.  It's a dirty little secret. 

The thing that makes me sad is that we are living on a house that can't be renovateded.  At least not radically. 
I can't paint, move doors or change flooring. I'm even scared to hang things on the wall for fear out will leave a big hole in the wall.

I just needed to admit this out loud and proclaim my focus on organization and the other things going on, like farming,  wedding planning and losing weight.

But aren't these pantry doors to die for?!

Can't I just take off the door we have now, replace our with one of these and then reinstall when we move out?

Pretty please?!  Grr,

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