high heels and grits

high heels and grits: December 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Our Christmas Card

Merry Christmas!

I wanted to stay a head of Christmas this year. I didn't want to get stuck in the last minute rush of everything. So I intended on buying my Christmas cards early. Following our wedding this year in February, I wanted to do a wedding themed card, think: Married and Bright
from Minted.com
"May your days be Married and bright"

From Zazzle.com 

From Minted.com 
"There'll be much mistletoeing and hearts will be glowing"
I think Minted.com has such amazing designs but it seemed overpriced to me at the time. Looking at the prices now I realize I paid more with my Zazzle purchase and received less cards! Next time I'll go with Minted.

We went with a pregnancy announcement/Christmas card. It was nice to kill two birds with one stone. (or is is it six french hens and one pear tree?) 

I couldn't be happier and we received great compliments on the card!

I was very satisfied with the quality and print of the card. The only unfortunate mishap was the shipping. But that's another story!

High heels!

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

12 Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Woman

I came across this list from Babble.com  about pregnancy etiquette. I'm sure I said one of these "don'ts" to a pregnant friend or family member of mine and if I did let me apologize! 

I wanted to share this with you all because it is CRAZY the things friends and family but especially STRANGERS feel they can say to you. Consider your words before you open your mouth people!

  • Was it planned? What to say instead: “Congratulations, kids are great!”
  • Did you take fertility drugs? What to say instead: “Do multiples run in your family?”
  • You look like you're ready to pop! What to say instead: “How are you feeling?”
    • Hmm, a lot of people are asking how I'm feeling. Does this mean I look ready to pop?!
  • Are you sure there aren't twins in there? What to say instead: “Do you know what you are having?”
  • Can I touch your belly? What to say instead: “Wow, you look great! What a cute belly!”
  • Have you picked a name yet? Instead say: "Are you having fun picking a name?"
    • This helps avoid the whole awkward "We're not telling the name to you because you're not important enough"
  • Enjoy _____ now because once the baby comes, you can kiss that goodbye. What to say instead: “Parenting is certainly full of ups and downs but it’s worth it!”
  • You shouldn't be eating/drinking that. What to say instead: “Boy, does that look delicious!”
    • If you aren't close enough to tell me what I should/n't be eating when I'm not pregnant, then don't share your opinions just because I am pregnant.
  • I never had morning sickness. What to say instead: “How have you been feeling? Any morning sickness?”
    • And THEN you can chime in about you not having it...haha
  • I was sick my whole 9 months. What to say instead: “Don’t worry, you will feel better soon enough!”
  • I was ripped open from end to end What to say instead: “I had a rough experience, but not all women go through what I did.”
    • Seriously hearing horror stories is SO awkward. First because it's so personal and I probably don't know you that well and secondly how is that supposed to help my pregnancy? We have nothing in common except that we've both been pregnant. Why will my experience be like yours?
  • Get an epidural! What to say instead: “I decided to get an epidural because…but everyone is different.”
My personal suggestion:
Instead of "Woah! You're getting so big!" Say, with a smile, "You're blooming!"

That was hand down the nicest "compliment" I've received from a stranger during this pregnancy.


p.s. Dear family and friends, you know I love you. And if you did say anything to offend me you know I'd let you know ;) No worries, this post isn't directed at anyone specifically.

Source: http://www.babble.com/pregnancy/etiquette-rules-pregnancy-jokes-humor-rude-comments/etiquette-rules-pregnancy-jokes-humor-rude-comments-6/

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

27 weeks pregnant - 3rd Trimester begins!

How far along? 27 weeks

Your baby is the size of a head of cauliflower (source)

Total weight gain/loss: gained 5 after Thanksgiving. Lost those five within 2 days. After a few weeks of fluctuation I'm at 8lb gain according to my app. I did workout last night, so that helps tip the scale.

Maternity Clothes?  pants all the way, slowly working maternity sweaters and shirts into everyday wear

Stretch marks?  nope

Sleep? With the heater on we had to put the humidifier in overdrive. It's louder, but it does help me breath at night. Summer mommies complain about the heat, but there are lots of things for winter mommies to complain about too:
  • buying expensive snow boots in a larger size to fit swollen feet
  • no coats that fit around a belly; only capes and ponchos which aren't as warm
  • layering only to undress once you enter a building
  • Christmas shopping with pregnant
  • drinking water when all you want is a hot beverage...but that hot cocoa will make you hot!
Maybe if I have a fall baby I'll be able to compare the two experiences.

Best moment this week:  How about the last three weeks since I haven't written since then? That would say Thanksgiving with family. Probably the first Thanksgiving in years where I was the designated driver. Hubby had a fun time though. I just laid in the reclining chair watching football with my dad.
I also enjoyed creating our Christmas card this year. I wanted to go with a "married" theme since we got married this year, but we went with a "we're expecting" theme. It's super cute. I'll post it around Christmas when I know everyone has received one.

Miss Anything?  I miss my body! It wasn't that great, but at least I could touch my toes without going blue in the face.

Movement:  Yes, usually after I eat or if I lay down. I can't catch him move every hour, but it might be happening. I'm not sure.

Food cravings:  None. Well Hubs was craving pie last night so that sounded good. We didn't get any pie though. Actually last night and this morning I had to have peanut butter. and I did. Yum!

Anything making your queasy or sick?  I'll get a certain whiff of a random smell and sometimes it just makes me sick to my stomach! With the holidays and all the candles and perfumes around it is overwhelming.

Have you started to show yet? OH ya... This is AFTER thanksgiving. So I'm 5lbs heavier ;)

Symptoms: What ISN'T hurting?! My Tracy Anderson video workouts are getting easier now that we're in the 7th month, so I'm going to try and stick to those every night to help with circulation and muscle stretching. My stomach is HARD. It was a little fluffy during the first six months, but now it's solid kiddo - he is the size of a cauliflower so ya, that'll do it. However I do think my body is doing great. I will have moments when I think "woah - pushing myself too hard" - when I stand up to fast or get dizzy from overheating in a winter coat. 
  • Sciatic pain, dizziness, numbness in arms and hands (especially at night), headaches, tight muscles in stomach and legs, overheating, congested at night, light lower back pain and a million more I cannot think of right now.
I had my glucose and iron test. Passed the glucose, didn't pass the iron. So I need to take an iron supplement and eat more meat. Since starting the iron I think I am feeling better.

Gender:  BOY!

Labor signs:  none

Belly button in or out?  in. I'm waiting for it to POP! My SIL said hers never popped, so it might not happen.

Wedding rings on or off?  Off. With the weather cold and my office/home hot my hands are swelling and unswelling throughout the day. I said "forget it" and decided to keep them off. No, I'm not wearing them around my neck either.

Happy or Moody most of the time?  Neutral. 15 days until Christmas. Hopefully all my gifts get shipped in time with no weather interruptions! Trips to Dallas to budget for and a Vegas wedding plus oh ya, our nursery and baby! Bring on the bills!

Looking forward to: Christmas!!! It's my FAVORITE holiday just because of all the JOY in everyone's hearts. I'm sure I'll cry all week. We had the Catholic school choir come sing carols today at work and I was on the verge of tears the whole time. Tis the season!
With that said..


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